• 핫세일

京南制药/Kyungnam Pharm Lemona综合维生素+矿物质软糖(柠檬酸橙味)

REF.NO (경남제약)레모나 멀티비타민+미네랄 구미 / SKU.NO 719328000790

Kyungnam Pharm
$7.95(5.3 折)
(约 ¥56.76)


制造商及产地 厂商: Cosmax NBT Co., Ltd. / 127-16, Deokpyeong-ro 663beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
生产日期及保质期 从生产日期起 18 个月
容量(重量)、数量 3g*60个
原材料名称及含量 Vitamin C, vitamin E mixed preparation powder (dl-α-tocopheryl acetate, glucose syrup, modified starch, silicon dioxide), nicotinic acid amide, zinc oxide, vitamin A mixed powder (vitamin A acetate, glucose syrup, corn starch, gum arabic) , Vitamin E), sodium selenite mixed preparation (sodium selenite, dicalcium phosphate), vitamin D3 mixed preparation (vitamin D3, dextrin, ethyl cellulose, d-tocopherol, medium chain triglyceride oil), vitamin B6 hydrochloride, vitamin B1 Hydrochloride, vitamin B2, biotin mixed powder (biotin, crystalline cellulose), starch syrup, refined sugar, purified water, pork skin gelatin, D-sorbitol solution, citric acid (anhydrous), natural lime flavor, natural lemon flavor, pectin, γ-cyclodextrin, edible Contains processed oil and fat products, trisodium citrate, concentrated lemon lime powder, glycerin fatty acid ester, safflower yellow / pork, soybeans
营养信息 Daily serving: 2 (6 g)
Per daily intake: calories 23 kcal, carbohydrates 4 g (1 %), sugars 3 g (3 %), protein 0.5 g (1 %), fat 0.6 g (1 %), sodium 5 mg (0 %), Vitamin C 30 mg (30%), Vitamin E 3.3 mg α-TE (30%), Niacin 4.5 mg NE (30%), Zinc 2.55 mg (30%), Vitamin A 210 ㎍ RAE (30%), Selenium 16.5 ㎍ (30 %), Vitamin D 3 ㎍ (30 %), Vitamin B6 0.45 mg (30 %), Vitamin B1 0.36 mg (30 %), Vitamin B2 0.42 mg (30 %), Biotin 9 ㎍ (30 %)
※ The figures in ( ) are the ratio to the daily nutritional standard.
功效 [Vitamin C] Necessary for forming connective tissue and maintaining function, necessary for absorption of iron, and necessary for protecting cells from harmful oxygen by acting as an antioxidant.
[Vitamin E] Antioxidant and necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen
[Niacin] Necessary for energy production in the body
[Zinc] Necessary for normal immune function, necessary for normal cell division
[Vitamin A] Necessary for visual adaptation in dark places, necessary for forming skin and mucous membranes and maintaining their function, necessary for growth and development of epithelial cells
[Selenium] Necessary to protect cells from harmful oxygen
[Vitamin D] Necessary for the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus. Necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones. Helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
[Vitamin B6] Necessary for the use of proteins and amino acids, and necessary for maintaining normal homocysteine ​​levels in the blood.
[Vitamin B1] Necessary for carbohydrate and energy metabolism
[Vitamin B2] Necessary for energy production in the body
[Biotin] Necessary for fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism and energy production
摄入量、摄入方法、注意事项 咀嚼摄入,一次2片,一日1次。 如发生异常情况,请停止食用,并向专家咨询。 妊娠、哺乳期妇女或服用药物者,服用前请咨询专业医生。 特殊体质、过敏体质者,因人而异,可能会出现过敏反应,请确认原料名称后再食用。幼儿、儿童摄取时可能会噎住,需要监护人的注意。 请确认摄取量及摄取方法后再摄取。 食用前请先确认食用期限后再食用。 此外,不要食用超过食用期限的产品。 开封后请尽快食用。
是否标注”非药品“ 本品不是预防和治疗疾病的药品。
是否获得韩国健康机能食品协会(KHSA)认证 审核完毕




Kyungnam Pharm

京南制药/Kyungnam Pharm去品牌店


京南制药以韩国第一位维生素C' LEMONA '为首提供优质的健康食品。我们将通过不断的开发和研究,持续报答顾客们对我们的爱情。


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